
Удаление фото и видео из сервисов Mail.Ru

Remove photos and videos from Mail services

The social network My World Mail.ru is located on the sixth line of popularity in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. For many "residents" classmates and Vkontakte My World is exclusively a postal service, although it has long been among the successful social projects. Meanwhile, the ancestor of all three networks is one – Mail.Ru Group.

Anonymity in browsers

Protecting their data on the Internet, users resort to various tricks. Browsers and plug-ins are used to make surfing more closed from prying eyes. Cyber-fraudsters and special services do not hunt for the majority of citizens, and if they do, experts "on the other end" bypass any protective "barricades". First of all, browsers for anonymity in the web are needed to protect from the attention of information collectors and small attackers.

Удаление видео из Интернета

How to remove videos from the Internet

The proliferation of gadgets that allow you to make high-quality videos has played into the hands of scammers. They film and post compromising stories on the Network, which are subsequently used for blackmail purposes. It is difficult to remove such videos from the Internet, and the time for trials is inconclusive or delayed for many months. What to do?